Thursday, January 29, 2009

10 things that bug me

Here are 10 things that bug me and the 10 people I tag

1. Retarded tonsils that always make me sick
2. When I have no clean pants
3. When people get mad about stupid things
4. When my stupid puppy is being too needy
5. Tonsils
6. Not being able to fall asleep
7. A certain someone that enjoys telling me I've ruined my life
8. When I'm blogspot illiterate
9. When I whine too much
10. When I take to long to write on blogspot

People I tag:
Whoever else hasn't done it


Alicia Bunderson said...

I heard you were sick again. You poor thing! You need to get those suckers out so you can be healthy!

idieh.trebbyl said...

haha the sad thing is I'm to scared to

Here Dwells Happiness said...

Yeah, I'm so impressed with you bug tag. Thanks for filling us in. You are too sweet. I hope your tonsils hurry up and get better. You are extremely patient to deal with them being ouchie over and over again.

Jenna Kae said...

listen, be nice to macey, she is just special. i love you!