Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sorry Alex

I do still love you, even though I forgot that I promised I would write something for you on your birthday.

So let's go back to Friday night, April 24.

First, you have to understand Alex Lybbert. He just turned 22, and is living proof that just because your getting old doesn't mean you can't still have an awesome inner child. I mean, who else could pull of being a Pirate/Jedi/Ninja/Elder and still be totally awesome!

For a long time, Alex was the only person in my family that would talk to me about boy problems. He was the only one that would say, "Hey, get in the car. We're goin' for a drive, and you get to choose what we listen to."

He's one of the only people that understands what I'm going through right now. It's totally awesome for me to be able to know that I can go through what I've been going through and then still end up as cool as my older brother.


and you're welcome for the mushy blog :)

p.s. The thing in Alex's left hand is a ninja star, and the thing in his right hand is a light saber (however you spell that)

1 comment:

Brooke said...

hahahaha that is the coolest drawing EVER!!! p.s. He also likes crappy disney movies and he's still awesome!! haha