Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Poem

I haven't written a blong in a while and I wrote a poem on how horrible I am when it comes to poetry for my english packet, and I thought it was kind of funny, so here it is for your entertainment.

I'm sitting her with many thoughts running through my mind
but there's not a single brilliants rhyme that I can find.
I always thought that maybe I was some sort of poet,
now with pen to paper, I'm failing and I certainly know it.
My thoughts always seem pretty in my head
but as I'm attempting to write them down, all the pretty words have fled.
When I was young the subject of my writing was never important,
they were only silly poems, and never arrant.
It was simple to find things in harmony with toys,
but now all my thoughts just sound like white noise.
I guess writing poetry is never where I belonged,
and writing this catastrophe would make all good poets feel wronged.
These poets can bring feelings from deep down inside of someone like stone,
but I would only make my audience want to go home.
Never have I made anyone think about all of my entangled words,
and I'm sure that better poetry could be written by nerds.
I hope that reading this doesn't make your eyes cringe,
come to think of it, you should cover them with your hair fringe.
I'm sure that now you've realized that brilliant thoughts, I have none.
Now my stupid poem is surely done.


Alli said...

ha ha I love it! You are good and you don't even know it! :)

Here Dwells Happiness said...

:-) You did a great job! You've got more poetical talent in your little finger then I do in my entire body. Good job!

Alicia Bunderson said...

Thats awesome! I love it. I hate writing poetry. you did great.